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The Conch Connection

Island Hopper Singer Songwriter Festival

Updated on: Nov 21, 2024 9:23:03 PM

This 10 day mostly, free event features the unique opportunity to experience the voices, back stories, and personalities of some of the most influential and internationally-recognized singer-songwriters at some of the most famous venues across Captiva, Sanibel, Historic Downtown Fort Myers and Fort Myers Beach!

IslandHopperSongwriterFestivalIHSFDowntown_FortMyers_jessicarosebudslife_2022_09 from Website

Photo Credit: VisitFtMyers

Typically occurring about the last 10 days of September, each year.  In 2017 not even Hurricane Irma and then in 2022 Hurricane Ian, could keep this festival off the books. As they say, "the show must go on" and it did. 

Venues stretch along the SW Florida coast from Captiva Island south to Fort Myers Beach, with stops anywhere and everywhere in between. Some of the featured artists from year's past include Sheena Brook (a SW Florida native!), The Bass Brothers, Big Al Anderson, Chas Sandford and many many others.


Courtesy of The Beaches of Fort Myers & Sanibel

Typically, events are all scheduled on concurrent days.  That way you can pop into one venue and watch one show and then move along to the next, which may be next door or just a short walk away. Some of the usual venues, in Captiva are: Doc Fords, Key Lime Bistro, the Mucky Duck, Tween Waters Island Resort. In downtown Fort Myers artists will be at: The Social House, The Barrel Room and  the Twisted Vine Bistro. While those on Fort Myers Beach include: Nervous Nellie's, Yucatan Beach Stand, Pierside Bar & Grill, the Pink Shell Resort and many others.

For the full schedule of events and artists, check out the official Island Hopper Songwriter Fest website!

Many of these artists are also featured performers at the Key West Songwriters Festival, well.   Which is held each May.

Hero Image Photo Credit: The Beaches of Fort Myers & Sanibel

Topics: Attractions, Activities, Beaches, Fort Myers Beach, Outdoor, Fort Myers, Events

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